naf firmware

Crowdsourced updates for Obihai ATAs and IP Phones

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Why use third-party firmware?

Read on for more information about the problems this third-party firmware solves, or skip to firmware downloads if you want to get started right away.

So what is this all about?

You are likely here because you own an OBi device. Traditionally, OBiTALK was designed as a remote configuration tool for your OBi hardware, however this tool was shut down on November 1, 2024. There has always been a way to directly configure OBi hardware via logging in via a web interface, but it did not work with the popular service provider Google Voice.

This new firmware for your OBi device, like other community developed firmwares for e.g. routers and Android phones, makes the current/future functioning of the hardware a bit more independent of the company that sold you the hardware. With it, your OBi device need not be dependent on the now-defunct OBiTALK. This new community-created firmware will continue to grow and evolve, increasing the useful life of the hardware, and adding many capabilities right now such as the ability to configure Google Voice without the OBiTALK Portal.

-written by Klaberte on DSLReports. Updated by OBi1FW November 2024 to reflect OBiTALK shutdown.


October 2010 - OBi110 is released.
20 December 2017 - naf is the first to successfully modify an OBi110 to update certificate.
4 January 2018 - Polycom announces aquisition of Obihai.
22 January 2018 - naf releases firmware for the OBi2/OBi3 series.
28 March 2018 - Plantronics announces aquisition of Polycom.
19 June 2018 - Google decommissioned XMPP servers. OBi100/110 no longer work with Google Voice.
28 March 2022 - HP announces aquisition of Poly (formerly Plantronics).
1 November 2024 - HP decommissioned OBiTALK. Third-party firmware is now the only way to configure Google Voice.


arrynrob - for OBi200/OBi202/OBi212/OBi300/OBi302/OBi312

If your current firmware version is less than 5853, just flash arrynrob directly.
If your firmware is 6259 or greater, you must install stock 5921EX (alternate link) first, then install bypass-uboot-mod.
If your firmware is >= 5853 and < 6259, you must bypass uboot by installing bypass-uboot-mod. Then, you can install arrynrob. DO NOT flash bypass-uboot-mod from 6259 or above, or you will be going to recovery mode (which also allows you to flash any firmware you want, but it just doesn't look as cool).
md5sum OBi302-3-2-2-6259-signed-fw-bypass-uboot-mod.fw = 59229dd211edb52d9f2e49729cee9794

Please read above installation instructions before install arrynrob!
Download - OBi2xx-3-2-2-8680EX-arrynrob13.fw (2024-12-11)
md5sum OBi2xx-3-2-2-8680EX-arrynrob13.fw = b438e5161220e1e7c161e005de1d6bb6
  1. update clear_zt_params and param_dump to support hw_vers 1.5
  2. the changes from arrynrob10:
  3. enable dropbear ssh server. default root passwd = "obi".
  4. (NEW) included a version of wget that supports https
  5. patch OBiapp to bypass "zero touch" forced configuration. added clear_zt_params util to clear old zero touch params
  6. patch OBiapp to use /scratch/contacts.xml for caller id number to name translation lookup.
  7. patch OBiapp to bypass signed firmware check when loading new fw
  8. patch OBiapp to bypass GVSIP provisioning lock
  9. patch OBiapp to bypass 30x models GV initialization block
  10. add Google Voice config instructions to webgui
  11. changed GV AuthPassword override format to only require the refresh_token itself (backward compatibility mode is enabled if AuthPassword begins with "client=" so no config changes are required)
  12. NEW: make full root Certificate Authority list user-editable at /scratch/rootca.pem (by default symlinked to 2024-11-26 mozilla/curl root CA list from
  13. NEW: attempt to autorecover from broken /scratch partition

taoman - for OBi2000 series

Installation instructions:
  1. Install stock 4983.
  2. Install OBi2000-6-2-3-4907-signature-bypass.fw.
    md5sum OBi2000-6-2-3-4907-signature-bypass.fw = 24d0bcad8601d96b5f6b05120181c967
  3. Next, install OBi2000-6-2-3-5330-taoman3.fw.
    md5sum OBi2000-6-2-3-5330-taoman3.fw = c403c79f49e3694e72a40da93c770c01
  1. enable dropbear ssh server. default root passwd = "obi".
  2. patch OBiapp to bypass "zero touch" forced configuration. added clear_zt_params util to clear old zero touch params.
  3. patch OBiapp to bypass signed firmware check when loading new fw
  4. patch OBiapp to bypass GVSIP provisioning lock
  5. NEW: fix audio problem during conference calls
  6. NEW: add Google Voice config instructions to webgui
  7. NEW: changed GV AuthPassword override format to only require the refresh_token itself (backward compatibility mode is enabled if AuthPassword being with "client=" so no config changes are required)
  8. NEW: make full root Certificate Authority list user-editable at /scratch/rootca.pem (by default symlinked to 2024-11-26 mozilla/curl root CA list from
Mod implemented using a new technique of adding code to the padding at the end of an ELF segment instead of overwriting functions inline, because this fw uses oauth in more places.

olisom - for OBi1022/OBi1032/OBi1062

Installation instructions:
  1. First, install OBiPhone-5-1-11-4983EX.fw
    md5sum OBiPhone-5-1-11-4983EX.fw = b10d7c73d8898028fac8698e6d5516b6
  2. Next, install OBiPhone-5-1-11-4858EX-noshell-signed.fw
    md5sum OBiPhone-5-1-11-4858EX-noshell-signed.fw = 123bd1842a64ab967644e34e6a7d144c
  3. Now, you may install olisom firmware: OBiPhone-5-1-11-5312EX-olisom8.fw
    md5sum OBiPhone-5-1-11-5312EX-olisom8.fw = 170ca338f14110fd1021b7fb0457fd08
  1. add dropbear ssh server. default root passwd = "obi"
  2. patch OBiapp to bypass "zero touch" forced configuration. added clear_zt_params util to clear old zero touch params
  3. patch OBiapp to bypass x509 signature check for new fw
  4. patch obiapp to bypass GVSIP provisioning lock
  5. add Google Voice config instructions to webgui
  6. changed GV AuthPassword override format to only require the refresh_token itself (backward compatibility mode is enabled if AuthPassword being with "client=" so no config changes are required)
  7. included param_dump v0.2
  8. NEW: user-replaceable root certs
  9. NEW: ~5% smaller rootfs than olisom7! (back to the same flash usage as olisom6 and everything before march 2024)

ssyspro - for OBi5 series

Installation instructions:
  1. To go to a modded fw from stock, flash to OBi5xx-4-0-5-7707-noshell-signed.fw first.
    md5sum OBi5xx-4-0-5-7707-noshell-signed.fw = 0205d029107d603379eaba37ca6d3956
  2. Next, install OBi500-4-0-5-5903EX-ssyspro6.fw (2024-12-13)
    md5sum OBi500-4-0-5-5903EX-ssyspro6.fw = 2a9b9b62a2d2b8602ab356222079fe46
  1. enable dropbear ssh server. default root passwd = "obi".
  2. patch OBiapp to bypass "zero touch" forced configuration. added clear_zt_params util to clear old zero touch params.
  3. patch OBiapp to bypass signed firmware check when loading new fw
  4. patch OBiapp to bypass GVSIP provisioning lock
  5. patch OBiapp to fix the bug where OBi forgot to set the TLS SNI hostname resulting in "No Response From Server" when attempting to connect to GV
  6. NEW: add GV config instructions to webgui
  7. NEW: make full root Certificate Authority list user-editable at /scratch/rootca.pem (by default symlinked to 2024-11-26 mozilla/curl root CA list from

aa2k - for VVX D230

Installation instructions:
  1. Flash stock 7-0-0-6932 (alternate link), then noshell-signed, then aa2k.
VVX-D230-7-1-3-9112-aa2k1.fw = c15d73707d3062b5f0508ebcbcc6b5b3
VVX-D230-7-1-3-9112-noshell-signed.fw = c88265af24a66a60d1df5e295e93095f

  1. enable dropbear ssh server. default root passwd = "obi"
  2. patch obiapp to not kill dropbear or overwrite root password
  3. patch obiapp to bypass "zero touch" forced configuration. added clear_zt_params util to clear old zero touch params
  4. patch obiapp to bypass x509 signature check for new fw

naf - for OBi100/OBi110

Download: - OBi1-1-3-0-2886-naf8.fw
md5sum OBi1-1-3-0-2886-naf8.fw = e0496c80d5f308ace35871412ba62133
Notes for use: see naf's post on DSLR.
  1. add globalsign cert (root for GIAG3)
  2. remove firmware downgrade check
  3. oauth token request override (not that xmpp works anymore)
  4. syslog key/cert dump during backup


These firmwares, like the official Obihai firmwares, are provided without warranty. Standard precautions apply, such as do not install firmware over a wireless network connection.


Where to get support

VoIP Tech Chat

DSLReports hosts one of the busiest VoIP forums on the internet, which is the forum where this firmware was first discussed and published.